Bald Mountain Theater

Tickets for

Krampusnacht 2023 on December 8 & 9

available at


Streaming available from December 15-January 1 at Theater Engine.


is classic stories

We believe:
… that the great stories are ripe for reinvention
… that good theater can be shared by all ages together
… that the best, most vivid productions are actor-based with live music

With a donation to Bald Mountain Theater:
You will be supporting “un-scrubbed” theater that celebrates the human condition

You will be a part of the long tradition of story telling
You will be supporting a local arts organization serving our community

Please consider a donation today:

Use this Pay Pal link or simply write a check and slip it in the mail.

Thank you, and enjoy the stories of this holiday season.

Sincerely, Ethan Bowen,
Managing Artistic Director

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